Level 1313 star wars
Level 1313 star wars

level 1313 star wars

Star Wars, no matter the medium, is about its characters, and the tech implemented by LucasArts looks like it will help make 1313's cast some of the franchises more compelling video game personas. Combining this new capture with the already beautiful vistas and attention to detail in the environments, the actors really pop in the scenes, helping 1313 really nail the Star Wars vibe its going for.


Using full performance capture suits, including special headgear that tracks multiple facial muscles and eye movements, the team has managed to create characters that feel strikingly human. The character's performances are also excellent, and show off just how good the collaboration between LucasArts, LucasFilm and ILM has worked. Hence you won't find any quick time events in Star Wars: 1313, only an artful blend of cut-scenes that briefly take away control so the shot can be framed a certain way, or so the designers make sure you see the set up for the next instance of gameplay. The goal is to blend the in-game cut-scenes together with gameplay so smoothly that you don't really notice, while taking care to make sure you get to actually play the most exciting parts. Each moment of the demo seemed to ramp up the visual spectacle, with two starships crashing into one another and the hunter having to climb between flaming shards of metal while the whole wreck tumbles down a gigantic Coruscanti tunnel. This combo of platforming and shooting helps break up the pacing, rapidly pushing you from blaster-heavy shootouts and epically framed moments where your hunter holds on for his life. Your hunter rapidly moves between cover, popping up and shooting enemies, taking them down with lightning-fast melee attacks over cover and quickly jumping between clearly laid out handholds (they're even marked in red in the demo, just like Uncharted). The shooting and platforming mechanics look great, and in large part because they seem heavily inspired by Naughty Dog's Uncharted series. You're not a super hero a la The Force Unleashed (in fact, I'm told the Force doesn't make an appearance at all), but a somewhat vulnerable human who has to make the most out of his skills and gear. For instance if you're fighting a group of five enemies, you wouldn't find yourself in a Gears of War like stop-and-pop situation, but examine the environment and the tools you have and plan out a lethal assault. Your hunter is a lithe, lethal professional, and the aim is to have levels that reflect that. Much of the level design in Star Wars: 1313 will revolve around giving you opportunities to make use of your various gadgets, as well as making sure to maintain a sense of verticality. Other gadgets have yet to be disclosed, but it'd be awesome to see jetpacks, flamethrowers, darts - basically anything and everything I've ever read about being a part of famed hunter Boba Fett's Mandalorian beskar armor. It's a bit too early for them to showcase much, but the demo did have our hunter wielding a very Han Solo-esque blaster that could fire normal shots as well as concussion blasts that knocked opponents out from behind cover. The core of the game revolves around a combination of cover-based shooting and platforming, all of which apparently ties back into your hunter's arsenal.


You play as a yet unnamed bounty hunter (Lucas is again being cagey with his details because they have plans about "how" to reveal the story - maybe alongside that long-rumored live-action TV show?), who apparently gets wrapped up in a criminal conspiracy during his time on Coruscant. LucasArts wants 1313's maturity to come across in its themes, in the way it tackles heavy moments, and presents a darker side of the Star Wars universe - expect more Mos Eisley cantina, less Ewok village.

level 1313 star wars level 1313 star wars

This isn't the black and white portrayal of Star Wars set up by the films or cartoons, but a complicated world where the "good" and "bad" people tend to be harder to discern. No one was ever dismembered or disemboweled during the short demo, and the lead character never tossed out swear words as he reloaded or beat down an enemy. While LucasArts wouldn't rule out a "Mature" rating for 1313, the team is definitely not trying to toss in gratuitous gore to make sure you're shocked into paying attention, either. The setting itself has never been delved into all that deeply in the girth of Star Wars novels, but LucasArts hopes that this will provide an appropriate stage to tell a mature Star Wars narrative. Coruscant has over 5,000 levels, and 1313 is a part of the planet's underworld, a seedy place full of criminals and lawlessness. It takes place between the trilogies, and is set on level 1313 of the Imperial capital, Coruscant. LucasArts isn't revealing much at this point, but we do know the basics on 1313's setting.

Level 1313 star wars